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The name of the ARexx-port is equal to the name of the publicscreen
opened by Wildfire.
For the first running copy of the programm the port is named "Wildfire",
for the second "Wildfire.1" and so on.
I don't think that's very usefull to run more copies at one time -
but it's possible.

The command-hierarchy is equal to the window-hierarchy.
This makes it very easy for you to find out the right name
for a particular command.
Every command consists of the hierarchy-identifier and
the function-name, e.g. the "Play"-button of the Player-window
is named "P_PLAY".

Most of the arguments are strings or integer-values. It's recommended
to enclose strings into "'"-characters otherwise they are converted
to uppercase by the ARexx-system.

There are three ways to invoke ARexx-commands:
 1. scripts
  1a) called as macros from Wildfire after pressing one of the function-keys
  1b) started from a shell
 2. direct commands
 3. external programs

Direct commands are nice to try out a special command, e.g., if you
want to check out the "PL_APPENDDIR"-command you may type in a shell-

 rx "address 'Wildfire' pl_appenddir 'data:grafix/frames'"

Another way to test single commands is to use the "Command"-PlugIn.
An input string

 "pl_appenddir 'data:grafix/frames'"

would cause the same result as the example shown above.
The advantage of the use of the Command-PlugIn is the fact that it's
faster because it doesn't use ARexx and displays the results
of the in the same window. (ARexx-errors sometimes are cryptic.)